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Fedora Core 5 Released with a BANG !

Now available for x86, x86_64 and PPC systems! It has been just over 9 months since Fedora Core 4 was released, and a lot of change and innovation has occurred in the Linux community in that time. A lot of those innovations have found their way into Fedora Core 5 (FC 5).
Fedora Core 5 features some new desktop applications. They include:
- Tomboy, a new ("simple and handy") note-taking tool
- F-Spot, which manages digital photographs
- Beagle desktop search, which resembles Apple's Sherlock or Google Desktop on PCs and helps users find something in a chat log, an email, or a web page they visited days ago
Fedora Core 5 also features updated versions of old favorites such as Firefox 1.5 and 2.0.2, a new enhanced database front end, a mail merge wizard, and better PDF-exporting capabilities. The latest versions of both Gnome 2.14 and KDE 3.5 bring added options to the Fedora desktop, according to the project.
Better integrated virtualization and a Java run-time stack.
Finally, the Fedora Core 5 desktop features new advances in multimedia applications built around the free codecs, the team said.
DOWNLOAD links: Available DVD & CD formats
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KCET2006 information , Osmania Exam Results
Exam Results Website is Up !
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The new website is a kind-of cool place to find Latest information about ExamResults & General Exam Information. This site is gonna see everday updations.
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GATE 2006
GATE 2006 Result is out. Check out the following links for the results :
1. link1 (All India)
2. link2 ( Gate 2006 Kanpur Zone Result)
3. link3 (All India)
All the best.
Group I Mains results out
A total of 1,139 candidates qualified for the 557 posts, an approximate ratio of 1:2.
The main examination was conducted for 900 marks spread over a general studies paper and two optional subjects. The interview carries 90 marks and plays a crucial role in the final selection. Many candidates train themselves for it by appearing for mock interviews at coaching centres to improve their skills before the final interview.
Though the commission has not announced how long it will take to complete the interview phase, sources said 25-30 candidates will be interviewed daily.
The commission gives certain guidelines to the members of the interview panel. The members are at liberty to ask any question, be it on general knowledge, politics, or the candidate's chosen subject.
"There is no specific format for interviews and candidates should be ready to answer any query in general knowledge, his optionals or politics,"Y APPSC chairman Venkatrami Reddy told TOI.
The commission conducted mains examination in May and June, 2005 in which about 40,000 candidates appeared.
While there are 564 vacancies, the commission will conduct interviews for only 558. Six posts have been kept in abeyance as a case is pending in court over eligibility for the fire officer's post.
AIEEE 2006
Scheme of Examination
Main Page
Schedule of Examination
Apply Online Information
Print Confirmation Page (Only for those students who have already applied online)
KCET 2006 - Karnataka
JNTU - M.Tech. Programmes

JNTU Common Entrance Examination for M.Tech. Programmes
It is further informed that there shall be a Common Counselling conducted by Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University for its constituent units and affiliated colleges for admission into M.Tech. courses.
The details of entrance examination and admission procedure will be announced in due course of time.
For more info: link1
For more Info: link2
JNTU PhD Results
Andhra Pradesh - SCHEDULE OF CETs 2006
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Secretary | Dt: 07-02-2006 |
Notification - EAMCET - 2OO6 (A.P.)

(Conducting on behalf of APSCHE)
(Engineering, Agricultural and Medical Common Entrance Test)
1. Entrance Test : (a) B.E/B.Tech courses 5. How to submit Filled in Application form: | |||||||||||
6. Date of Entrance Test 04-05-2006 7. Test Timings: For Engineering Stream (E) 10-00 AM to 1-00 PM For Agriculture & Medicine 2-30 PM to 5-30 PM Stream (AM) 8. Sale and Receipt of Application forms:
| |||||||||||
9. The late fee must be in the form of Demand Draft on any nationalized bank payable at Hyderabad, in favour of The Convener, EAMCET - 2006. 10. Filled in Application should be submitted to the Regional Coordinator in person as mentioned in the Instruction Booklet or to the Convener, EAMCET - 2006, SIT Building, Cellar portion, Kukatpally, Hyderabad - 500 072 by Regd. Post. 11. IN THEIR OWN INTEREST, CANDIDATES ARE ADVISED TO SUBMIT THE FILLED IN APPLICATIONS TO THE CONCERNED REGIONAL CO-ORDINATORS IN PERSON ONLY, OR TO SEND IT TO THE CONVENER, EAMCET - 2006, J.N.T.U., KUKATPALLY, HYDERABAD - 500 072 BY REGD POST , WELL IN ADVANCE OF THE LAST DATE PRESCRIBED FOR SUBMISSION OF APPLICATIONS WITHOUT LATE FEE TO AVOID DELAYS. CONVENER SHALL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY POSTAL DELAY OR LOSS OF APPLICATION DURING TRANSIT. Note: 1.This is only a Notification and not a prospectus. 2. This notification is also available in our website: | |||||||||||
DATED: 04-02-2006 | EAMCET - 2006 |
Osmania University - MCA Jan 2006
JNTU Pre-PhD Results
Location: Hyderabad, Andhara Pradesh
Release Date: 21-02-06
Exam result: Pre-PhD Results June 2005 (III-Phase)
Release Date: 21-02-06
Exam result: Pre-PhD Results September 2005 (II-Phase)